Using ArcGIS Server Manager, you can edit the properties of tokens used in ArcGIS token-based authentication. To define the token properties, follow these steps:
- Open Manager and log in as the primary site administrator or a user with administrative access. If you need help with this step, see Log in to Manager.
- Click Security > Settings.
- Click the Edit button
next to Token Settings.
- Specify a value, in minutes, for the Lifespan of Short-lived Tokens. To learn how the life span affects a token, see Life span of a token.
- Specify a value, in days, for the Lifespan of Long-lived Tokens. To learn how the life span affects a token, see Life span of a token.
- Specify an alphanumeric value for the shared key used to encrypt tokens. To learn more about the shared key, see The shared key.
- Click Save to apply your changes.